As spring approaches, are you starting to think “Wow, I need to dial in my nutrition†as another winter storm causes you to devour an entire box of Girl Scout cookies? Are you ever curious why so many people (maybe yourself included) feel so down in the winter? Have you considered that maybe it’s the food you are (or are not) eating? If you’ve found yourself asking these questions, it’s time to stop wondering and start reducing inflammation!
Nourish is Alkalign’s 21-day group health coaching program that helps you take a more holistic view of your health. Here are the top 3 reasons why this program works!

1 – LOSE THE WEIGHT AND PUFFINESS CAUSED BY INFLAMMATION Do you have extra weight/puffiness you would like to stop carrying around? Weight, inflammation and food sensitivities are all closely related. Spend 21 days discovering if one, or 5, inflammation-causing foods are standing between you and your health goals.
2 – COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND ACCOUNTABILITY We are more likely to reach our goals when we tell others about them. We are also more likely to succeed when we have support, help and encouragement along the way. Nourish will give you all of this and more!
3 – REDUCE ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION, INCREASE ENERGY Are you feeling less than amazing these days? Are you blaming it on the weather or the short days? Try something new! Take 21 days to eliminate sugar and explore what it has been doing to your mental health and energy levels. We FEEL how we eat and a healthy diet can help balance your mood and increase your energy.
CLICK HERE for a free recipe book and preview of the delicious food ideas you will get by joining Nourish!
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