The New Year usually comes with new intentions. Everyone’s intentions may all be different but they all have one thing in common – change something for the better. There is a common quality – a sense of wanting to improve our lives or ourselves. While many people focus on losing weight, going to the gym more often or reading more books, I would advise you to consider meditating more to create more mindfulness in your life. The reason being, mediation is the key to general improvement and will support any other intentions or resolutions you might have and here’s why.
The reason we need resolutions is because so much of lives are driven by factors outside of our control that we feel the need to put ourselves in the driving seat. We don’t go to the gym because we don’t have enough free time or are tired. We can’t lose weight because we are driven by inner impulses to eat fast food. Take control of your life by being mindful through a short meditation. It will allow you to take a step back and enable you to see things more objectively and from a different perspective. For a short moment – just observe your breath. This will detach you from your thoughts and feelings (such as – I don’t feel like doing to the gym or I really need that cupcake to feel better) and take a moment to reflect. It will give you a moment to see your life with a sense of openness. Rather than being stuck in the current moment, you will be able to take a step back and see what really enables you and what disables you in achieving your goals. You will move from being reactive to being proactive being able to steer your life in the direction you want it.
Commit to meditating a short time each day and you will find other pieces fall into place. You can do it by simply taking a few conscious breaths before entering a meeting room, hopping into the bus on your commute home or opening up the next email. We tend to get sucked into the moment forgetting that there is a bigger picture to us all. By being mindful, you will be empowered to be a better you.
Go on. Give it a go and let me know how you proceed!
To find out more about meditation and other daily practices – follow nikafiguringitout.wordpress.com
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