Did you know that when you create your profile on Namafit that you get a professional URL so you can share your page?
That’s right. You can customize your profile to highlight your skills, expertise and interests, so you will stand out to prospective employers and partners.
To get your Professional URL address just go to your profile page, https://namafit.com/profile and highlight the website address at the top of your browser window. Then click “copy” (command + c in Mac, windows + c in Windows). You now have a shareable profile URL copied to your clipboard. Go share it!!!!
Of course, sharing is even better when your profile is complete!
Update your profile
- Go to https://namafit.com/profile/edit to complete your profile details.
- Add your profile photo.
- Update your “About Me” section.
- Confirm your location city and state.
- Update your social links.
- Update your certifications.
- Add your resume.
- Update the styles and levels that you teach and practice.

Update your personal preference settings
- Go to https://namafit.com/settings and select the settings you prefer.
- You can:
- Change the distance for job notifications you receive
- Select who you would like to be able to see your professional profile
- General Public
- Only logged in Namafit members
- Only those businesses you apply
- Update your password
- Update your email address

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