To some degree we’ve heard the age-old adage, “change your thoughts, change your life.†This adage has helped thousands if not millions of people to personally transform their lives from a lacking consciousness to an abundant consciousness. This transcendent teaching tends to assists us with our relationships, our careers, our desired outcomes for any sector of our life—which in its own right is fulfilling. We’re instructed to think positively, place a smile on our face and feel good—the rest will take care of itself. For most of us living in the western society; this approach becomes limiting and leaving feeling vexed, because we’re not reaping the results we’re desiring. In the western world, we’re required to take an active role, and we must be willing to take action. But what if I were to tell you that you can take an active role within your life and co-create the reality in-which garners the results you desire? In this article we’ll discuss the core various sectors of our life. More importantly, we’ll explore our mental landscapes, which shape our thoughts, emotions, actions, habits, and how to change them!
The Unconscious Mind:
Psychologist Carl Jung refers to our unconscious mind as the shadow. It is said that our shadow is a projection of the darker aspects of our thinking, and the core beliefs that we tend to hide. It’s believed that if the shadow remains unconscious; we’ll play out the patterns and beliefs directly correlated to our mind. The unconscious mind is never satisfied no matter how much it’s fed. Our unconscious mind must be heard, and it always finds avenues to express itself. Due to the duality to life, our thinking contains both negative and positive—which creates both negative and positive actions. It’s our job to manage our shadow, and take back our power by empowering ourselves to observe our unconscious patterns, and transforming them. In-turn we change our life experiences. Changing our thinks enables us to witness exactly how we’ve created our life circumstances, where we’ve felt powerless, and where we choose to not take responsibility for ourselves.
Due to the unconscious mind seeking lack, lack tends to show up in parts of our lives we’re completely unaware of. When we look at the psychology of the pay check to pay check mentality—we can witness the lack of skill pertaining to saving, investing, innovating, and creating multiple streams of income. When someone lives from one pay cycle to the next, the story that runs through their mind is: “there’s not enough†or “I have to wait to get enough†and “I am not enough.†These fundamental unconscious beliefs create our external experiences. If we believe we’re lacking because we’re not enough, we tend to treat our money transactions as such. For example: When your monthly budget allows you $250.00 of play money, and you choose to spend $450.00 which is $200.00 over the monthly budget. The overage causes set- backs in other areas (robbing Peter to pay Paul). This set back follows us until next month—having to deduct the overage. By our programming we’re going to spend over the amount and the setbacks continue—placing us in a cycle. On the outside looking in—we’d say, just don’t spend more than your monthly budget and you can save, and invest or create over time. But, having thoughts that fuel our patterns we repeat this cycle and reinforce the belief that we don’t have enough. To undo this pattern, we have to become aware of our thoughts about money and actively change our relationship with money. Every penny we spend must be accounted for and we must change the narrative. Instead of drowning in finical lack, first begin to observe exactly what thoughts and emotions are triggering you to feel as though you aren’t enough. Then take note of the behavioral patterns that you elicit from those thoughts. Then and only then can you take the proper steps to reprogramming your mind. Now we must introduce our mind to an abundant mindset. First let’s dispel the myth of abundance, so that we can get into what abundance is.
Abundance isn’t just waking up feeling good and simply allowing only good things come to us. We live in a material world that has laws, and these laws govern our human existence. We’re not supreme beings that dictate the sun and stars movement. We don’t have the ability to control the weather or nature. However, there is some truth to waking up and feeling good about ourselves. Abundance by its very nature is connected to us. Abundance can be anything from good health, joy, peace, prosperity and much gain. To activate this feeling of abundance; our thoughts and emotions must be congruent with the actions we choose to take externally. If we want to make more money, we need to understand money. Example: Instead of spending $200.00 on things that I don’t truly need, let’s ask ourselves: “how best can I invest my money?†“How is this transaction assisting my abundant lifestyle?†These questions are truly life changing, because we’re changing our relationship to money—which activates our ability to give and receive openly and lovingly.
The nature of our relationships contains both conscious and unconscious elements within the dynamic. When entering into a relationship with a lack mentality, we tend to attract and cling to people who reflect abandonment, self-avoidance, martyrdom, neglect, suffering, deception, dishonesty, betrayal. Our unconscious belief that we’re lacking shows up in our partners behavioral patterns—which we attempt to normalize dysfunctional bonding and call it love.
Spiritual teacher, counselor, tv show host and New York Times Best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant believes that relationships are where we go to heal. Primarily this has to do with our unconscious patterns, programming becoming conscious as we learn to connect deeper within ourselves. As we become conscious, we slowly begin to integrate abundance within our relationships. We understand that we don’t have to remain in an unhealthy relationship that is no longer serving our needs. In-turn life provides us with lessons that teach us what our needs are, and we begin to fulfill them. Our partners have the option to do the work as well, or they can remain in their current state of consciousness—we then choose how we’d prefer to empower ourselves from victim to victor. The core beliefs we come to understand is: there is enough, I am enough, I am worthy of a healthy relationship, I have the ability to get my needs met; and once we choose to embody our core beliefs–we’re bestowed with partnerships that share this commonality. First, we have to do the work, and not get attached or disheartened at our current state of lack.
The career sector of our life can be a tricky one, because we understand that our career is solely connected to our ability to generate financial stability. At the very least, we must have a job and make money to survive—there’s no magical thinking that can make this reality disappear. When we’re approaching our life, we must get radically clear on our career, vocation, and hobby. Example: I am a writer that creates content, edits, etc. My vocation is fiction writing, and my hobby is poetry. Career for most people is a set of skills that you get paid for—which doesn’t require deep, profound passion and love. The primary function for career is to pay the bills. Vocation on the other hand is something that we love, and most of the times it provides emotional fulfillment. We use our vocation to expand our creativity and sharpen our minds. Hobbies are what we fill our free time with; which can be anything. There’s no logical or reason for our hobbies. By getting clear on career, vocation, hobbies—We then can organize our life accordingly. When we’re generating lacking beliefs about any of these areas for ourselves, we find ourselves limited, which can make us feel isolated and stuck. By fulfilling each area carefully, we begin to create more and more abundance for ourselves.
Interestingly enough, many vocations have potential to generate abundance, but the issue that arises is; fear of not having enough. Are you willing to invest into that art project? More importantly are you willing to understand the business model behind the project? Can you market yourself? Are you willing to require payment for your vocation? If so, how much are you worth? When I ask people these questions, most recoil, because they’re now responsible to become the abundant version of themselves; which doesn’t permit them to make excuses as to why their vocation can’t make them money.
In the end, we all have the potential to transform our lives, because we’re all worthy of abundance. It’s never a matter of class, ethnicity, and status—although we can’t deny that injustice in-fact happens in the world at large. Now that you’re aware on how to change your life from lack and scarcity to abundance and prosperity; you must now take the steps and be the epitome for others out there. Though you will have your challenges, and often times question how real is abundance, and even want to give up—take that step, take it now. Now is always and forever all we will ever have.
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