Looking to change your morning routine? Perhaps you want to start your day off by getting in a great workout. Now, the trick is getting up for it! Morning workouts can be beneficial to everyone. They are a wonderful way to start your day and set the tone for the rest of your day.
There are many advantages to working out in the morning including having more energy throughout your day, putting yourself in a great mood first thing in the morning (endorphins, baby!), and not to mention, your focus will be improved for your next activity because you are more alert. With all of these advantages, what’s stopping you?

For many people, the actual getting up part is what is so difficult. How can you change your whole routine and wake up earlier for a workout? Well, it may not be easy, but it is definitely not impossible! So what’s the secret? In this article, we will give you 7 secrets to getting up for a morning workout! Let’s get started.
7 Secrets To Waking Up Early For A Morning Workout
Each person is different, so you may need to try different things and see which ones work for you. These 7 tips are a great place to begin. Try one of them, or try them all, but you will need to experiment to see what wakes you up the best. Let’s take a look:
- Place your alarm clock across the room. Because hitting snooze on the alarm clock is so easy, it can be a big temptation to do rather than getting out of bed and getting ready for your day. That is why placing your alarm clock on the other side of the room can help you get up and get going. If you have to physically get out of bed to turn off your alarm, then your chances of actually getting up and getting ready for a workout are much higher than if your alarm is right beside you. You will be much less tempted to hit snooze and much more likely to get going.
- Layout your clothes and set your gym bag and sneakers by the door the night before. If you practice yoga don’t forget to roll your yoga mat ready too. Rather than waiting until the morning to prepare everything, do it the night before. That way, it is all set and ready to go and you can shave a few minutes off of your morning routine to take some “you†time. Mentally preparing for your day is a great way to start it out, so having those extra 5-10 minutes not having to decide what to wear and worrying about packing everything in your bag can be very beneficial. Set everything by the door so that you won’t forget anything on your way out.
- Stock up on easy breakfast options. Having an easy breakfast option that is quick and ready to go can really save you some time, and bonus points if it’s healthy! Oftentimes we feel rushed in the morning and this will either cause us to skip the gym, go eat some fast food that’s not good for our bodies, or skip breakfast altogether (which is not healthy). So if you have some healthy, ready-to-eat breakfast foods on hand, you can grab and go, making it to the gym on time and not feeling rushed!!
- Plan your workout the night before. If you have your workout already planned, then it will save you the excuse of “I don’t really feel like going to the gym and winging itâ€. You already know what you are going to do, so you can go and get it done. It’s as simple as that. Plus, if you plan a fun workout, you are much more likely to stay motivated and get up ready to go!
- Get your coffeemaker ready to go the night before. If you have an automatic coffeemaker, then set it to start brewing a few minutes before you wake up. The smell of coffee can actually begin to wake you up before you drink it, so your body will be waking up before you even are. If you don’t have an automatic coffeemaker, go ahead and get everything ready the night before so that all you have to do is push a button and your coffee is brewing! If you are more of a tea drinker, then go ahead and set everything out so that you can easily get it ready before you go.Â
- Have a personal trainer. Working out with someone else makes things more interesting. You’re not as likely to get bored during your workout. Not only that, but it will hold you accountable. After all, it isn’t only you that will be let down if you don’t show up! It’s like having an accountability buddy.Â
- Go to bed earlier. This simple, but the effective tip can really make a huge difference. The earlier you go to bed, the more sure you will be that you are getting enough sleep. And when you get enough sleep, you will wake up more energized and ready to take on the day and your workout! So try going to bed just 30 minutes earlier. Even those 30 minutes can make a huge difference in how your workout goes (or if it even happens at all).
Waking up for the gym can be difficult, but with consistency and a little discipline, as well as using one (or all) of these tips, you will be waking up early and getting in great workouts in no time! Consistency is key, so don’t give up! You will feel amazing once your workout is done.
Author’s BIO: Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is a content writer who has experience in small editions, Lori is now engaged in news and conceptual articles on the topic of DIY and yoga. If you are interested in sport or lifestyle, you can find her on LinkedIn.
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