Those of us who enjoy a good beer usually go into it accepting that it isn’t particularly good for us. That’s not really why we’re here, is it? Well you may be surprised to know that beer actually comes with a number of health benefits.

Here are the 5 things that beer is actually doing for your body.
1. Beer can boost your immune system.
That’s right, beer is full of nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and iron. It also has a strong antioxidant profile that can benefit your immune system similar to the way blueberries help you out.
Antioxidants the body clean up something called free radicals which build up within the body causing oxidative stress on your cells. Foods and drinks that contain antioxidants can help prevent this.
So if you’ve never put a handful of blueberries in a pilsner or blueberry wheat, this is your wake-up call. It’s wonderful.
2. Beer can lower your cholesterol.
A 2016 study showed that regular beer consumption within a safe range ( 12 ounces of 5% beer per day for women, twice that for men) was beneficial in lowering cholesterol in must individuals.
However it also showed that over consumption eliminates these benefits, so make sure you’re drinking in moderation if you’re going to try to drop your cholesterol with a brew.
3. Beer can improve your psychological health.
We’ve all heard about the harmful effects that alcohol can have on the brain. These are not exaggerations. Over consumption of alcohol can do a lot of harm to the body and there are a lot of superstitions out there that aren’t doing you any favors.
My personal least favorite is the idea of the nightcap. Drinking before you sleep does not help you sleep better, regardless of how sleepy a couple of beers may make you feel at the bar.
But beer can help you if you are struggling with stress and anxiety. Moderate consumption of beer has been shown to help reduce stress in most individuals, and as we all know, is a great way to relax and enjoy yourself. Just make sure that you aren’t going overboard.
4. Beer can be good for your bones.
Yeah you read that right. There’s something found in beer called dietary silicon which is really good for improving your bone health. Recent studies have shown that people who regularly consume beer are 38% less likely to get osteoporosis and are less prone to bone injury,
5. Switching to beer can help prevent kidney stones.
Researchers at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart concluded that individuals who drink beer instead of things like soda and even wine or coffee have a lower chance of developing kidney stones.
This study showed that beer has a more hydrating effect than any of the other popular beverages that aren’t water. While you should still drink healthy amounts of water every day, if you are going to drink alcohol, beer is one of the healthier options.
Well there you go, beer isn’t as bad for you as you thought. Though it may put a hurt on your calorie count, beer isn’t without its benefits. The moral of this story is moderation. Making sure you enjoy beer in a safe and responsible way will not only help you reap the health benefits on this list, it will help you enjoy life to the fullest.
So put your feet up, have a pint, try that blueberry thing (I’m serious guys, do it), and rest easy knowing that life is good and so is beer.
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