We’ve all been there: standing in front of the mirror after trying on a pair of shorts, a bathing suit bottom, or our favorite dress that usually shows off our legs to perfection, and wondering where in the world that unflattering skin came from. Was it there last month when we were at the beach? Did it just show up all of a sudden?
We know that we have been watching our diet and getting to the gym as often as we can, but still, there it is. Cellulite. We hate it and we want it gone. But is it just a natural part of life? Do we have no choice but to accept is as we grow older? Absolutely not! And to prove it, we have some surefire tips to help you get that sleek and smooth look back without breaking your back working out or starving yourself on some fad diet.
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is the result of fat protruding past the connective tissues, which create visible dimpling of the skin. Although there are factors that aggravate the weakening of these connective tissues such as aging, targeting skin-health alone doesn’t target the root cause: excess fat.
So, how do you actually get rid of cellulite?
Increase Your Liquid Intake
This is something everyone should be doing regardless of whether or not they are battling the uprising of cellulite. The truth is that most of us are drinking far less water and other healthy fluids than we need to be. Things like water and natural or herbal teas carry key nutrients throughout the body and help to eliminate waste products that enable cellulite retention. These metabolites cause fat deposits and poor skin health.
Exercises That Target Specific Areas
If anyone tells you that you can get rid of cellulite without exercise, the next thing they should be seeing is the back of your head as you walk away, because you have just been lied to. While it isn’t necessary to kill yourself in the gym trying to leg press a minivan, there are definitely body part-specific exercises that should become a regular part of your gym routine. They include such moves as squats, lunges, side-to-sides, and step-ups.
Choosing these exercises targeting the specific areas doesn’t target fat through isolation, but compound movements with appropriate resistance allows for testosterone release as a whole. The result? Testosterone, as a hormone, does multiple benefits to fat lost over time. At higher levels, metabolism of fat is surely triggered with compound movements and is something you want to keep as part of your exercise routine.
Shifting to a More Mindful Diet
No need for extremes such as solely eating salads or eating a lower amount of calories; this is not what your body needs to help with long-term fat loss. A balanced diet that aids in muscle-building, carb-metabolism, and healthy fat levels is a good place to start.
Have you ever heard of a personal trainer saying, “You can’t target fat in one spot!†Well, he’s preaching the truth. The best way to target fat is understanding that your body fat percentage can only be targeted as a whole. Hence, the importance of a more intuitive diet.
One Last Bonus Tip
The sleep benefit that most people overlook is the fact that a good night’s rest, with an appropriate length of sleep, is fat metabolism’s best friend. The majority of your day’s fat metabolism happens continuously as you are sound asleep. In contrast, not getting enough sleep leads to a spike in cortisol which automatically releases serotonin to balance out the cortisol release. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that enhances your cravings for high-fat and high-carb food.
Be sure that you don’t minimize the importance that proper sleep and a complete daily rest cycle have on your overall appearance and function. Numerous studies have shown how getting enough sleep is essential to the body’s general wellness, healing, and recovery processes. Schedule time to rest just as you would a trip to the gym.
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