As of late, there are may of us finding some extra time on our hands. For some it is welcomed, for others it brings a whole new slew of problems and anxiety. The whole world is in unchartered territory right now. Many cities, states, and countries are calling for action they have never called on before. That leaves a lot of questions, little answers, and an overall state of confusion and uncertainty. We are being showered with new information nearly hour by hour it seems, on every platform. I receive phone calls from friends and family that all seem to begin with what the newest development is. It simply seems that we cannot get away from this right now. Though, I do not think we should turn a blind eye, or deaf ear, we do need to be able to disconnect from the fear and sadness that lurks on every screen.
Being newly unemployed, I have been taking this self-isolation to spend more time with myself, amongst my dogs and partner. I have been sitting in the silence and trying to enjoy that, reading, studying for CEUs, etc. But, being a highly social and active person, it can be hard not seeing and interacting with friends, and for the most part being stuck to the confines of your own home. I also teach group exercise classes and yoga. Showing up to those classes is what too keeps myself accountable and my body moving. I am used to having dozens of conversations a day with many different people. With that number being drastically cut down, I have turned to my podcasts to fill that void of conversation (yes, sometimes I talk back as if I am involved in the conversation). I have been into podcasts for years now, mostly on long drives, or, when I had solo jobs, such as house cleaning, however, now I am able to appreciate them in a different way, and fully listen to them as I sit in the space I have created for myself. I can be one hundred percent tuned in, not distracted by the work task at hand. No interruptions, just fully engaged listening. Being a personal trainer and yoga teacher, a majority of the podcasts I am attracted to are ones that revolve around health and wellness discussion. Some dive deep into the scientific realm of a topic, while others seem to simply be conversations between friends. They all leave me feeling as if I have learned something after I have listened. Whether it be a new term, new idea, or new way to look within myself. From doctors to enthusiasts, these hosts offer a myriad of episodes. You are sure to find one that speaks to you.
Suggested podcasts:
Meathead Hippie: Emily Schromm is a personal trainer, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, entrepreneur and a meathead hippie. Emily has competed in and coached CrossFit, developed 5 companies, and many know her from her MTV days in the Real World and the Real World Challenge. Though Emily loves to go hard in the gym, in the recent years she began diving deeper into what was going on in her body from the inside out. Learning more about gut health with nutritional and herbal remedies, and slowing down due to adrenal dysfunction, Emily has gone on to teach others how to begin to heal themselves. This self proclaimed meathead still loves her deadlifts (she owns a gym in Denver), but she can also tell when her Chakras are unbalanced and how to tune in to her own body and realign. Her guests range from competitive powerlifters to shamanic practitioners. This podcast is the perfect mix of fitness and mindfulness.
The Natural State: Dr. Anthony Gustin is the founder and CEO of Perfect Keto and Equip foods. With a doctorate in Chiropractic and a MS in Exercise and Sport Science, Dr. Anthony took research into his own hands by applying all his fundamental science education to the food he was eating and the way he was exercising to discover what finally worked for him. In this podcast he interviews health and nutrition influencers and industry experts covering an array of complex ideas and topics, put in easy to understand terms.
Listen to Your Body Podcast (previously Harder to Kill Radio): Steph Gaudreau is a certified strength coach, intuitive eating counselor, and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. This is weekly podcast with a mix of industry expert interviews and solo podcasts exploring mind, body, and soul health to help you learn to LISTEN to your body and move more intuitively.
The NASM-CPT Podcast: Rick Richey hosts this podcast through the National Academy of Sports Medicine talking all things personal trainer related. The most recent episode offers insight onto how to bring your business online.
This is Joy & Claire (previously Girls Gone WOD): Joy Parrish and Claire Koch started Girls Gone WOD in 2013 and in 2020 rebranded to This Is Joy & Claire. While they still may talk about WOD’s, this podcast brings lightness, humor, and honesty in topics from mental health to overall wellness, marriage, and parenting. This podcast is like sitting with your friends having a conversation about whatever you may be feeling!
Higher Conversations Podcast: Kellee Rich – The Yogi Poet, explores the different states of mind and being with guest interviews, solo-casts, and storytelling. Kellee is a Tahoe local teaching at a handful of studios in the Truckee/Tahoe area, and now bringing us her insight for tapping into the subtle and physical bodies and layers of consciousness. Kellee’s love and light radiates as she invites to listen to, and have, Higher Conversations, with others and ourselves.
A couple of other podcasts I like to listen to are: Broken Brain Podcast with Dhru Purohit, Found My Fitness with Dr. Rhona Patrick, and the famous, Joe Rogan Experience with Joe Rogan. Some of these shows take a little sifting to find an episode that can keep your attention as they can tend to be longer or more scientific, but I recommend looking through the archives and starting with one that really screams “you need to hear thisâ€. Find the time and place to let yourself simply listen and, hopefully, learn.
All of these podcasts can be found on iTunes and other podcast platforms such as Stitcher and Spotify.

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